Different Factors That Can Affect Your Secondary Data

If you have been given to write a research paper or a dissertation by the teacher, it is important that you take it seriously and work hard to succeed in class. It is because you will be required to write a top quality and custom paper and submit it to the teacher if you want to impress the teachers with your efforts and get your degree with distinction.

Coming up with a good assignment is no easy task as it requires a lot of research and focus and many students do not know how to do it the right way. There is primary data as well as secondary data that students can use for their research but it is imperative for students to know how they should make use of this data and how this data can get affected if you are not careful.

There are many factors that can affect the results of your secondary data and you should focus on these factors to avoid facing trouble in writing the paper. This article is a guide as it helps you understand some different factors that can have an impact on your secondary data.

Researchers aim behind the search

There are times when researchers conduct some particular research for their own purpose which might not be applicable to your needs. Even if it might seem that it will work for you it might not seem so good after you have started your project and have reach the middle and find out that it is affecting your overall results.

Similarity of the field being investigated

There are times when a particular research has been conducted for a particular field but you are using it for another purpose. It might affect your secondary data and you will not be able to draw good conclusions on basis. Secondary data is actually information collected by someone else and use for another purpose and in some cases the two fields might be too different and affect the outcome of the secondary data.

The ethical or moral values of the research

This is a very important factor that can affect your secondary research before you do not know if the researcher has used ethical or legal means to conduct research and collect information. If the information has been collected using wrong means or it has been twisted just because it can be used in the particular way, it will also affect your secondary data and compromise your results too.

Suitability of the research method

The suitability of the research method is another factor that can affect the reliability of your secondary data and you will face problems in writing a good paper. It is because if the researcher conducted survey for a particular research but it was not the right method to use for collecting information, it will raise questions on the authenticity of the data that you are presenting to the readers and this might affect all your efforts in this regard.

All these different factors play a key role in affecting your data and make it tough for you to write a good paper.

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