Tips That Can Help You to Create Your Own Study Guide

Creating a study guide is one of the best ways to prepare for an exam and improve your test results. It is a tool that helps to make learning easy and effective. You learn and prepare more effectively when your things are more organized, arranged and systematized. Here are some tips by experts of a PhD dissertation writing service for creating an effective and useful study guide.

Create a Summary Sheet:
Creating a summary sheet involves organizing your notes conceptually. This means separating most important from the least important. These summary sheets help in revision a night before the exam. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two parts by drawing a vertical line in the middle of the paper to get two columns. In the left column write the most vital concepts and theories, a brief definition and a few examples. In the right column write all possible questions related to that concept.

Practice Essay Questions:
You can prepare yourself for possible essay questions by practising answers to them beforehand. That way, in case a similar question comes up on the exam, you’ll have a well-thought-out answer ready to go. You can try to anticipate what these questions might be using past exams or quizzes, or you can copy the review questions from the textbook, which are often at the end of every chapter. While memorizing the material is one benefit of using a study guide, practising essay questions will help you make sure you can apply your knowledge in a written response. 

Make Concept Maps, Timelines, Flow Charts And Mind Maps:
Concept maps help to improve visual learning. You can create mind maps for memorizing relationships of different concepts. It also helps to learn definitions and the impact of one thing on another. You can easily create acquaintances between key terms and concepts. Draw timelines for history subjects to memorize dates and series of chronological events. Create outlines for essays, flow charts for learning processes. Use comparison charts or tables for differentiating or relating two different concepts. For instance, you can draw a table to compare characteristics of animal cell and plant cell, making a timeline for learning events of World War II, and a flow chart for computer-oriented problems.

Do Not Type - Write By Yourself:
Try to handwrite your notes and study guide. Writing helps in memorizing. Studies show that when you write something it helps you in absorbing and memorizing more and most of the concepts and definitions remain in your memory. And it saves your time when you are revising and preparing one night before for the exam. If you have typed notes it is recommended to print them. When you are reading from a computer screen, it distracts you more and you retain less information. Rewriting notes connects your mind more physically with the information as compared to typing.

When you are creating study guides and making notes it helps you to change difficult things in the way that fits you more. For example, you may find a new way of memorizing periodic tables, and the easiest solution to a difficult question.

Manage Your Time:
Create your timetable as early as possible and stick to it. Set your targets and deadlines for particular subjects and topics. Many students feel it is difficult to study all subjects one day and others panic if they don’t get enough time for a particular subject. Decide how many subjects you can study in one day. Give reasonable time to every subject. Give more time for practising difficult subjects. Don’t switch back and forth on different subjects at one time. Focus on one thing at one time. Study different subjects at different places. For example, study the subject which you think is difficult in your room with a door shut and an easy subject while relaxing on a lawn chair in fresh air. 

Sticky Notes:
Take help of study notes for learning equations and formulas. Paste these sticky notes at the places other than your study table, where you sit or pass by more. For example, at the mirror of the dressing table, on the door of your wardrobe, on the fridge, or near the coffee maker. Whenever you open the fridge, or make coffee, or get ready in front of dressing, or open the door for taking out your dress you will have a look at them intentionally or unintentionally. This helps in memorizing things early.

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