Report Writing Format - How to Make Report Effective?

Report Writing Format - How to Make Report Effective?
Report writing has specific goals, and people write reports for a certain audience. In report writing, writers must provide specific facts and data relevant to the report's subject. Report writing follows a well-organised structure with sections and headings to make it easy for the readers to locate and follow the information. Before beginning to write a report, you should determine the report's goal. More importantly, you should be aware of the Report Writing Format. Knowing about your audience is essential for academic and professional reports. This article will guide you about the Report Writing Format, types of reports, and the stages in report writing.

What Are The Five Steps/Stages In Report Writing?

Experts of best coursework writing services have shared the below five essential stages in report writing:

Getting The Gist Of The Report

The most crucial stage is carefully reading the report brief. You must be certain that you comprehend the purpose of your report, as stated in the report brief or instructions. Consider who you're writing the report for and why you're writing it. Check that you understand all of the directions or requirements, and if anything is unclear, contact your tutor for clarification. In a nutshell, you must have an idea about the following things after reading the report brief:
  • Your Target Audience
  • Purpose of the Report


The second stage is planning, an essential aspect of report writing. Create an outline of your report and schedule the tasks you can complete in a specified timeframe. Use bullet points, spider diagrams, brief paragraphs, or any applicable approach in planning each important component. An outline of a report consists of the following elements:
  • Title Page
  • Terms of Reference
  • Abstract/Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
During the planning stage, you need to collect the relevant information to provide the background of your report to the audience. The amount of information you will need depends upon how much information you want to include in each section of your report. Consider incorporating the following essential aspects to inform the readers about your report:
  • Provide background to your report (Introduction)
  • Brief description of the methodology
  • Results and findings
  • Context of your report in the light of findings
  • Recommendations

Organising And Structuring Your Information

After you've gathered your data, you'll need to decide what should be included and how it should be displayed. Start by arranging points that have a connection. You can divide the information into parts or chapters. Make sure to keep the report brief and eliminate any information that has no direct impact on the report. Make a sensible and easy-to-follow sequence for your materials.


The fourth stage is the most crucial in report writing. Take some time before you start writing your initial draft of the report. Spend some time making notes on the arguments you'll make based on the data and information you've obtained. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What can you deduce from the information that you have?
  • What are the limitations and flaws in your findings and results?
  • Are there any contradictions in the evidence you have?
Start writing your first draft once you consider all the above-mentioned aspects.

Editing and Proofreading

You must spend some time editing and proofreading your report. Make sure that you use clear and straightforward sentences. It is an effective technique to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly. Make sure to remove those descriptions that are not relevant to your report. Make sure you know what you're talking about when using technical jargon. Avoid using excessive jargon to sound more intellectual.

How Do You Write A Report? What Is Its Format?

Before writing a report, you must consult with your supervisor or manager about the Report Writing Format. Common Report Writing Format has the following structure:

Title Page

The title page includes the following information:
  • Report Title
  • Your Full Name
  • Date
  • Name of the Module (For Academic Reports)

Terms of Reference

According to the report writing, this section should include the following information:
  • Brief description of who will read the report (Audience)
  • Purpose of the report

Abstract/Executive Summary

According to the guidelines of Report Writing Format, the summary section should have the following information:
  • State the goals of the report along with conclusions and recommendations
  • Make sure to provide the most important information only
  • The sequence of information in the abstract should be like that of the report
  • The length of the abstract should be between 10-15% of the entire report
  • Make sure not to include such information that is irrelevant to your report
  • The abstract should be clear and concise

Table of Contents

Table of Contents should provide a list of chapters, headings, and sub-headings along with page numbers. You can generate the table of contents automatically in MS Word.


As per the stipulations of the Report Writing Format, the Introduction section should include the following:
  • Brief description of the background of the report
  • Aims and Objectives of the report
  • Provide hints about the solution proposed to the relevant issue of the report
  • Illustrate the problems or limitations in the scope of the report


The methodology section should include:
  • How did you conduct your investigation?
  • What was the nature of your inquiry?
  • How did you collect your data?


The discussion section should include:
  • Logical analysis of your findings
  • Provide a rationale for the conclusions of your report
  • Divide the information into relevant headings if necessary to improve reading and comprehension
  • Explain your ideas and back them up with solid, well-researched data


The conclusion section should demonstrate the overall significance of the report. Inform the reader about the essential aspects of your report. Make sure that you do not introduce any new information in conclusion.

What Are the Four Types of Reports?

1. Formal Reports

Formal reports are objective and well-organised. These reports contain a great deal of detail and avoid using personal pronouns.

2. Informational Reports

Informational reports consist of annual reports, monthly financial reports, and employee progress reports.

3. Analytical Reports

Analytical reports attempt to solve problems, which consist of reports on breakthroughs in science and feasibility reports.

4. Proposal Reports

Proposal reports are an outgrowth of analytical reports. Proposal reports are solution-oriented and highlight how an organisation can solve certain challenges.


A report is a more structured type of writing than an essay. So, it is important to know about the Report Writing Format. Every report tries to disseminate findings for one reason or another, whether to enlighten decision-makers, shift public opinion, or keep track of progress. When writing a report, keep in mind why you're writing it and for whom you are writing. Every report has a target audience, so knowing about your audience before writing is an integral aspect of report writing.

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